Whole Woman

How Developing Chronic Hip Pain Can Be The Most Important Event of Your Life

Pain only serves one purpose.  It is a pointer.  It is a mechanism for getting and holding your attention.

At the first twinges of hip pain, it’s time to pay attention.  If you know someone whose life has been curtailed by chronic hip pain, you understand loss of hip joint health is something to be avoided at all costs.  

And if you think hip replacement surgery is a simple answer to the problem, you are sadly mistaken.  Artificial hip joints are no substitute for the miracle of the healthy human hip.   

If you are starting to experience hip pain, the sooner you address the root cause, the less time it will take for the inflammation to subside and for the joint to heal without permanent damage.  

Even mild or intermittent hip pain is worrisome.  Intuitively, you probably know that yours is a progressive condition.  Left on its own, it doesn’t get better, it gets worse.

If you are dealing with relatively serious chronic hip pain, you’re possibly contemplating surgery. But can you really trust what you are being told by your orthopedic surgeon?

Where should you turn for help?

I know this fact will be shocking, but the research suggests that orthopedic surgeons want to do surgery.  Who knew?  Not surprisingly, they will be unlikely to look seriously at the many potential causes of chronic hip pain, much less the avenues of self-care available to you.

There is an old saying, "If the only tool you have is a hammer, every job looks like a nail." For a surgeon to make the average $420,000 a year salary he makes (and yes, there are very few female orthopedic surgeons), he needs to be in the operating room every working day. 

How can this be?

Think of the wizardry of computer graphics. Imagine taking a 2-dimensional image and turning it into a 3-dimensional  image using the magic of computers. Of course, any computer transformation like that is built on a complex set of assumptions about the 2D image being interpreted into 3D. 

Therein lies the problem. 

Orthopedic assumptions intrinsic to pelvic alignment and the root causes of chronic hip pain are both incorrect and self-serving. Not surprisingly, the modern imaging virtually always suggests the need for surgery.

I am an author, educator, and researcher. In my First Aid for Chronic Hip Pain online video course, I share the shocking truth of the orthopedics industry as revealed by its own latest research, and the medical coverup that is costing untold thousands of women their hip joints every year. 

Losing a hip is a catastrophe. As amazing as artificial hip technology is, it is never a substitute for the perfection of the natural hip. Furthermore, the many surgeries that have been developed to "repair" or "clean out" the joint are intrinsically destabilizing, and often lead to hip replacement. 

Is there a legitimate alternative?


Your Self-Care Formula

First of all, orthopedics is totally focused on “fixing” the problem with surgery.

Actually, this is a relatively new phenomenon.  Historically, orthopedics was a healing art and not a surgical specialty.  For 100 years, traditional orthopedists fought bitterly to prevent surgeons from taking over the practice of orthopedics.  But the lure of the power, prestige, and money involved in orthopedic surgery was just too great, and the true orthopedic physicians have all faded into history.

At Whole Woman, our focus is on recognizing pelvic problems as symptoms.  Since the late 1990s, I have doggedly hunted down the true root causes of pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence.  

Interestingly, it is the women I have helped with these conditions who began to report dramatic improvements and elimination of their hip pain.

This feedback led to the publication of my acclaimed book Save Your Hips in 2013.  I have continued to monitor the research studies, and realized it was time to update the information in my book.  

Getting a video into the hands of the public is much quicker than traditional book publishing, so I chose to replace my book with an online video course.

Hip Inflammation

There is an old saying, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”

If you are experiencing even mild or moderate hip pain, your hip joint is inflamed.  While it is possible the pain may improve by itself, it could also worsen into a chronic condition.  What is important now is that you are successfully addressing the root causes of the pain.  

When you are struggling with serious chronic hip pain, doubtless your quality of life is suffering.  Sleep may be disrupted, standing, walking, and exercising can be anywhere from uncomfortable to excruciating.  

You are confronted with two questions:

“Has the hip joint inflammation become serious enough, and gone on long enough, that there is likely to be permanent damage to the joint?”


“Am I prepared to use this pain as a teacher and follow wherever it leads me to changes in posture, diet, gait, shoe choices or anything else?”

If your answer to the second question is, “Yes,” then you stand a reasonable chance of at least stabilizing and experiencing some if not full reversal of your discomfort.

There is no quick fix for serious chronic hip pain.  The underlying cause did not appear overnight, and the inflammation and pain won’t go away overnight.

However, the body’s capacity for healing is astonishing if you simply give it a chance.  But you cannot keep doing what you have always done in life and expect anything to be different with your hip health.

One objective of the First Aid for Chronic Hip Pain course has been to reframe viewers’ perspective that, “Oh, I can always go get hip replacement surgery.”  Of course you can do that, but the odds are very high that you will have traded one set of potentially manageable problems for a set of problems that are not reversible, including knee and ankle failure due to changes in your gait.

So starting the journey to hip health is your best option.

The Root Causes of Hip Pain

I discovered through my research that the root cause of pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence is improper pelvic alignment.  Sucking in the belly and tucking under the bottom, which women have been taught for generations, is a profoundly unnatural conformation for the female body.  

By correctly realigning the body, intra-abdominal pressure pins the pelvic organs where they belong with every breath.

For the hips, tucking under the pelvis changes the natural dynamics of the joint.  In a healthy hip, the roof of the hip socket, or acetabulum, sits symmetrically over the head of the femur, or thigh bone.  

Consequently, this primary load bearing joint is fully and evenly supported.  However, when you tuck your bottom the acetabulum rotates backward, so it no longer symmetrically supports the femur.  This creates a hot spot on the front, inside surface of the hip socket, where virtually all chronic hip breakdown is known to occur.  

Restoring natural posture and gait creates the conditions for a lifetime of hip health.

Further, what the medical system refuses to acknowledge, in spite of the information having been available for almost a century, is that the hip joint is very subject to infection.  Chlamydia, gonorrhea, staph, and strep are just a few of the infectious microbes with high affinity for the hip joint.

The reason why is that the hip joint is well fed by blood circulation.  As a result, the hip is exposed to bacteria, both good and bad.  In their drive to perform surgery, orthopedists virtually never address these alternative sources of inflammation.  

It is not only possible, but highly likely that a woman could contract a mild “cold” in her hip joint, only to be treated with arthroscopic surgery, labral repair, and a host of other highly suspect and damaging operative procedures.

In First Aid for Chronic Hip Pain, you’ll learn much more about the biomechanics and microbiological causes of chronic hip pain.

How to Enroll in the Course

By now it should be clear to you that

Your hips can and should support you safely and comfortably for a lifetime.

Hip pain is just your body’s way of shooting up a flare and saying, “Pay attention!”

Successfully creating and sustaining hip health, like all self-care, requires education, support, and persistence.

If your pain is serious, it will take some serious effort and time to restore your hips.  It is certainly possible that your hip joint is beyond recovery, but the trauma of hip surgery and potential associated problems are severe enough that you owe it to yourself to exhaust all other possibilities before making that irreversible commitment.  

The Curriculum

The Save Your Hips online video course will give you a thorough education on how to care for and protect your hips for a lifetime.

Included are the following modules:

  • Welcome to Your First Aid for Chronic Hip Pain Membership Portal
  • Part 1 - Anatomy of the Hip
  • Part 2 - Pathology of the Hip
  • Part 3 - Imaging the Hip
  • Part 4 - Surgeries of the Hip
  • Part 5 - Naturalizing the Hip
  • Part 6A - Restoring the Hip
  • Part 6B1 - Introduction to the Exercises
  • Part 6B-2 - Sitting
  • Part 6B - 3 - Toileting
  • Part 6B - 4 - The First Aid for Chronic Hip Pain Workout

First Aid for Chronic Hip Pain provides hours of powerful information on hip health, including breakthrough research never before published to the public, as well as specialized exercises to help you restore your hip health.

Please understand that everything in this video course is backed up by solid science.

Remember, doctors are only allowed to practice what they are taught.  In many ways, medicine is a prison for the doctors.  Any deviation they make from established “standards of care” are met with swift and draconian retribution.  Who controls the “standards of care”?  The multinational drug and surgical supply companies who have zero interest in any natural and inexpensive approaches to resolving your condition.

Second, you and your doctor have an economic conflict of interest.  He or she only makes money in the operating room.  Orthopedists can’t support their overhead sitting in the office.  Orthopedics has become a multi-billion dollar industry, tragically at the cost to millions of patients, disproportionately women.  

If developing hip pain wakes you up to the dangers of traditional medical treatment, the medical system itself, and the importance of taking responsibility for your own health, then discovering your hip pain may well have been the most important wake up call of your life.

Because now you will have a legitimate, proven alternative to stabilize and reverse your chronic hip pain, as well as a potentially lifesaving perspective on a medical system that we have all been taught to blindly trust.

When Christine's Hip program came out I started it very slowly and have resolved all knee and hip pain and discomfort to the point where I can sleep on both sides with a pillow between knees pain and discomfort free...I couldn't last more than a few seconds before that.

Erica, Australia

Support When You Need It

Additionally, you have access to the Whole Woman Community Message Board for help and support when you need it. 

Of course I do personal consultations, classes, and intensives to help women with their pelvic challenges, and also have personally trained and certified Whole Woman Practitioners across the US, and in Canada, Australia, Ireland, the UK, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Israel, and Ghana. 

So you are not alone and have many support options available to you.

About Access

Access to the First Aid for Chronic Hip Pain video course is only US$ 197.00 for unlimited access.

We accept all major credit/debit cards as well as PayPal.

If your learning journey has taught you that learning about diet, natural health, and legitimate, science-based alternatives to the medical system, we offer an additional membership level - Lifelong Learner.

The Lifelong Learner membership gives you access to all six video courses as well as additional video courses from Christine Kent unavailable elsewhere.  For more information on the Lifelong Learner membership level, just click the Lifelong Learner button below.

What to do Next

One thing is clear about hip pain, it doesn’t get better when ignored, it gets worse.  The sooner you start your healing journey, the sooner you will feel the exhilaration of knowing that you are in control of your hips, they no longer are in control of your life, energy, and well-being.

Click the button below to begin the subscription that can transform your life.

Christine Kent
Whole Woman

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Christine's Groundbreaking BookĀ Save Your Hips is Available Again!

Whole Woman's publishing division,Ā Seedcraft PublishingĀ is making our printed books available once again. Click the button below to learn more. Free bonus exercise video for each book.

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