Whole Woman Forum
Medical Disclaimer
Whole Woman Inc. is not licensed to, nor in the business of, practicing medicine. If you have any medical condition, consult your physician, explore your alternatives, and make your own decisions about your health.
Nothing on the wholewoman.com website or training materials should be construed as medical advice.
Neither Whole Woman Inc., its management, employees, shareholders, and/or assigns are responsible for the decisions you make about your health, strategies, or tactics you try for addressing any condition you may have, and/or any of the consequences of those attempts.
You alone are responsible for managing your health. Any information found on this site is either offered solely for information purposes or as an anecdotal experience of the individuals sharing that information.
Advice and recommendations offered by moderators or other members of this forum are offered for information purposes only, are not provided by licensed medical professionals, and are not to be considered medical advice.
If these conditions are not acceptable, do not use this website or utilize the information herein.
For more information on the Terms of Use of this Website, please click on the Terms of Use link below.
Whole Woman Forum Policies & Guidelines
Please read carefully before entering the forum...
- Anyone can read on the forum, but to post, you need to register. You will find a "create new account" link just below the login fields. Click on that link to set up your account.
For your privacy, all registrations with usernames that are full real names, could be construed as full real names, or email addresses, will not be accepted and you will be asked to provide a different username.
All registrations are reviewed to keep spammers out. - The primary purpose of this forum is education and support for women interested in and committed to the Whole Woman work. It is not a debating society about the work itself.
- Every question posted gets feedback from real women with busy lives who volunteer their time to write on the forum. The women on the forum want to help you help yourself.
- If you have a specific question, please use the search function first to see what conversations about your question already exist on the forum. There is a search function on the upper left column on the forum page. Please use it first before posting your question.
- If you have a product or website that you think would be of value, please contact us to discuss it before posting it on the site. We have zero tolerance for spammers on this forum and you do not want to risk having your account summarily deleted as a result of a well-intentioned effort to help the women of this community. To reach us, click on the contact us link on the main menu at the top of this page. Thank you.
Honoring these few simple guidelines will make your Whole Woman Forum experience more valuable and enjoyable for the whole community. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Clicking the button below to enter the forum signifies your agreement with this Disclaimer and the Forum Policies & Guidelines.
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman